viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Nuevo Diseño

Como notaran luego de un par de semanas hay una nueva imagen para el Blog, espero les guste, dejen sus comentarios, buenos o malos, es importante para seguir mejorando.

Shinya respondió las preguntas echas en Facebook, va a responder 200 preguntas (ojala responda la mía)  acá están las primeras diez:

"Hey all,

As promised, you've sent in your questions and Shinya has answered them. In total he has responded to over 200 questions! As is the case, we will be releasing them in small batches over the next few weeks or so. Every time we release a batch, half will be posted on Facebook, and half will be posted here on MySpace. Enjoy the reading, thanks again for all your questions, and don't forget to friend us / become a fan / follow us on Dir En Grey's social networking sites if you haven't done so already. Be well and have a great day.

- Dir En Grey Management

(the first batch is posted below)

From: Steffi Lapsien
Question: Is there anything if life you still want to achieve? A dream or a certain wish?
Shinya: Yes, it's on my mind.

From: Hunter Espada Craven
Question: Does all the touring get stressful, and if so, how do you revive yourself?
Shinya: I actually don't feel a lot of stress in life.

From: Noah Van Heel
Question: Can you give us any clue about the new album? Is there any theme or ambiance that will be explored? Please, I'm curious. And thank you for your hard work, you're awesome!
Shinya: One word...chaos.

From: Jade Audino
Question: If you could swap roles with any other member of Dir En Grey, which member would you swap with?
Shinya: I'd like to give the guitar a try.

From: Uka Ralho
Question: What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish as a drummer, as a member of Dir En Grey, and as a human being?
Shinya: I want to be someone who will leave something behind for the next generation.

From: Christina Escamilla
Question: Do you enjoy being a part of Dir En Grey and having millions of fans who respect you for your drumming skills?
Shinya: I am definitely enjoying every moment of it!

From: Juliette Stecenko
Question: If you could be one person in the world (other than yourself) who would it be and why?
Shinya: Doraemon, because he has everything.

From: Holly Ann Bottom
Question: For you, Shinya, how does it feel to perform at a concert? Do you get carried away playing the drums, or are you very aware of what's going on around you?
Shinya: I am always so focused on my playing that I don't really realize my surroundings anymore.

From: Nicole Benquechea
Question: I was wondering if you had any advice for beginners about the talents and/or skills you need to become a great musician?
Shinya: Practice, practice, practice!

From: Joseph Hellion
Question: I noticed that you recently changed the set up of your drums! Now is it because it was too overwhelming having all the other crashes and symbols surrounding you left and right with the previous drum set up or did you decide it was time for a change?
Shinya: I'm always changing things around when I get an inspiration, but in truth, I really don't want to always change it."

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

esta muy lindo *O*

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