Otro tema para tocar es Shinya, ya contesto mas preguntas, acá están:
"Hey All,
So it's been a little while since our last installment of 'Shinya Answers Your Questions', but now that all the tour announcements are subsiding we wanted to get back to it. Below is the next batch of questions that Shinya has answered, we hope you enjoy reading them! Thanks again for all your questions, and don't forget to friend us / like us / follow us on Dir En Grey's social networking sites if you haven't done so already. Be well and have a great day...
Zvenka Balanza: have you ever been involved with someone, or, been in love?
Shinya: With my dog.
Andrès Lullion MonteNegro: in this new album will we notice some advance with your double pedal? more than the other albums?
Shinya: I think you will really feel it in this album.
Natlie MB: What is your all time favorite movie and why? I love films, and lately I've been watching a lot of old classics that I haven't seen before that I know I should have seen, and out of those, Seven Samurai was my personal favorite, lol. And also, um I heard you love to solve riddles, you're smart Shinya-san! Riddles are too tough for me! xD What is the hardest riddle you've ever faced, like the one that really got you thinking? :3
Shinya: I don’t like movies. I always fall asleep half way watching them. But riddles, those I like.
Ivette Lopez: After every concert/ performance Dir en grey does, do you ever wake up sore or end up really tired after playing? or are you used to it since you've been playing for a while?
Shinya: That happens after the first day on tour, but as we go along, you get used to it.
Angela Montoya: What's your favorite thing in the U.S.?
Shinya: Living on the bus!
Nataya Ritchie: Will Dir en Grey ever consider coming to Australia? :D
Shinya: Definitely thinking about it.
Taki Takitakiga: I seriously can’t wait for your new album!! I bet you’re on a hard schedule but I wish you all the best!! I am always supporting you!! I have a question, why did Kyo shave his head? I saw it for the first time in the LOTUS video clip. It was at about that time when I shaved my head too, so I was actually pretty happy!! Have you ever thought of shaving your head Shinya? It feels really good you know!! Well, good luck!!
Shinya: I don’t know why he shaved his head. But you know that I’ll never do that.
Jaketiasha Nicholas: Shinya, when are you or are you going to change your hair style or color? Or did you give up? lol Keep having fun you guys! ♥
Shinya: If I find a good hairstyle I will change my current. As for my hair color, if I am not blonde, you won’t be able to see me on stage, so I am going to keep to blonde for now.
Yasmin Nishikawa: Did you always want to become a drummer? Who is your biggest inspiration? Which non-japanese musicians do you like?? Dir en grey was in Europe a few times, do you like Germany??
Shinya: I became a drummer because I wanted to become one. My inspiration is YOSHIKI. Non-Japanese musicians I like are Roy Mayorga and Ray Luzier. I love Germany!
Alice Dan Nami: what is the best recipe for Pumpkin Korroke? And, if you were stuck in a spaceship for a year, what 5 things would you take with you :D x
Shinya: I hate pumpkin. If I was stuck on a spaceship, I’d survive with just my iPad.
Anja MeskalinKa: I want to know how often you drink alcohol? And what do you prefer to drink? How much alcohol do you think you need to get drunk?
Shinya: In a year I drink about 10 times. I don’t like alcohol. Usually I don’t get drunk but if I do tequila shots, then I get drunk immediately.
Josh Slaby: my question to you is, what is the most challenging part of being in a band that now has fame internationally? And also, what is your favorite part of being in that band?
Shinya: That no one can imitate me.
Vivien Dudaš: What is your favourite Dir en Grey song?
Shinya: It changes everyday.
Chris Moore: I have a question about your drumming. Does it ever get hard/painful to drum the way you do? What kind of physical toll does it take on your body? I see you working so hard, and I also find myself wondering how you keep pushing forward. Your willpower is astounding. ♥
Shinya: I make sure I train routinely, so there is no physical stress that I feel.
Ricardo De León: my question is, how was your experience in South America? Have you thought about returning to play in South America?
Shinya: The fans were amazing in South America, in fact there were the craziest so far and it left a very deep impression on me. I definitely want to go back, but it’s so far from Japan.
Alright, well that's it for today, but keep checking back for more answered questions in the next week or so. Also, don't forget to follow us on Twitter and friend us on MySpace:
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